I managed to catch Cutter on the camera phone jumping off the diving board. He has no fear, and will attempt anything you tell him 'not' to do! He wanted to do a back flip so bad, but instead watched uncle Tyler!
Rylee finally realized that jumping off the diving board wasn't so scary after all. We went swimming over at Chad and Brittney's on Thursday, and I forced her to jump. Even though her head didn't touch the water, while I went under as she jumped on top of me, she was still a little frightened. After the 3 hour swim session today she was jumping by herself. Here's the video Brittney shot for me while she was just warming up.
Rylee, I am very proud of you! You have come such a long way since your terrible experience at swim lessons! Look at what a big girl you are becoming!
Ashley, Kori, Zoey, Karsen, and cheesing Cutter
Here's Kori and her tree cutting skills!
Actually, she was just trying the get the ladder balls out!
Rylee with her Academic Excellence award...
...and her STRAIGHT A's t-shirt! Once again, I'm so proud of her! There were some days where it would have been easier to say forget the homework, and save an argument, but we did it. All of our hard work paid off!
Mrs. Hilburn and Rylee. She has been an awesome teacher, and has helped our transition into the Wylie school district so much easier. We were blessed to have her as a teacher!