On Sunday, we went to Chad and Brittney's for a Memorial Day family get together. We had a blast, even if the weather didn't cooperated 1oo%. We had fajitas, margaritas, yummy guacamole dip, swimming, ladder ball, and lots of laughter! Thank you guys for hosting this FUN event!

Cutter's first jump of the day!
My little baby!
Ashley, Kori, Zoey, Karsen, and cheesing Cutter
Karsen and Brittney
Karsen and Zoey
Here's Kori and her tree cutting skills!
Actually, she was just trying the get the ladder balls out!

Chad is trying to teach Rylee how to swim and feel safe without her life jacket on.

Silly cousins! Rylee, Cutter and Karsen

Chad, Pops, Andy and Terry Clark playing ladder ball!
Cutter, Mommy and Roo

Santa Clause...oh wait, that's Cutter and Uncle Tyler

Brittney's brother, Tyler and his daughter Zoey

I beat Kori's butt in our water fight! Britt, those were an awesome investment!

Aunt Brittney, Rylee and Uncle Chad

Brittney, Cutter, me and Roo

Rylee's such a sweet big cousin!
Thanks again for having us all over!
Great Pictures!!! And you guys are welcome over ANYTIME ya'll want! It will give you something to do this summer when your back to having BOTH kids all day every day!!!