This past weekend, the kids and I headed to Pop's house on Lake Brownwood. It was a great weekend, and nice to get out of town for a little bit. The water was smooth and there weren't many people out which made for a fun time in the water. Rylee didn't want to tube this time. She did it last year, but I just don't think she was mentally prepared for it. I've been talking to her about it already for the next time we go. We started out fishing Friday night after the boys mowed, and we cleaned and unloaded the cars.

Cutter and Rylee were both so excited to go fishing.

Here's the girls, Brittney, Kori, Me and Becca
Look Brit, you can't see any spider webs in the pictures!

I'm helping Cutter cast his pole. Uncle Chad tried to tell him he couldn't cast under the pole, but he didn't listen!

Brit's first catch of the wild weekend! It must have been the glow in the dark bobber!

Brittney kissing her catch! Way to put the girls on the score board. Oh wait, did the boys even catch one?

Aunt Brittney and Rylee

Rylee look the camera down to the dock and took some awesome pictures of all the deer. At one time, there was probably 30 deer down there eating.

The kids and I made a scavenger hunt. We took turns burying the treasure (lip gloss) and making the map.

I caught them as they were hiding my treasure...shhh!

Brittney and Cutter were dancing on the dock as the guys were putting the boats in the water.

Brittney tubed...yeah!

Chad was showing off!

Mommy and Cutter! He was such a big boy!

Me on the tube! Not sure which was worse, an enema or three flips?

Pops, Cutter and Roo. Thanks for taking us out on your boat! We had a blast!

Brittney's double catch! It was crazy, both fish were caught in the hook. Looks like that catch added 2 points for the girls.

Becca's catch of the day!

Rylee Roo found a school of baby fish. She had so much fun throwing the bait out and getting a quick bite. I think she caught 7 or 8 within a matter of minutes! Yes, her fish counting for the girls too! We kicked BUTT!

Then...a water moccasin came! I have to tell the story, and I'm sure Brit will too! We had anchored both boats, some were swimming and others were fishing. Brittney saw a snake swimming towards Kori and told her to hurry and get in the boat. All of the sudden, the snake turned and headed straight for the rock Brittney was standing on. The snake goes under really close to us, and Brittney screams and jumps on the boat from 5 or 6 yards away. I had put my hand out to help her step onto to boat, she jumped like no other. She put a huge knot on her shin that immediately swelled and bruised. We didn't have any ice left in the coolers, so a full beer can would have to suffice. She was a trooper, and we all look back and laugh now. Love you Brittney!

Jami and Becca relaxing after the boat trip!

Brittney IS eating the catfish she caught!

When we go to the lake, Justin is usually our fire man! Since he was gone we all had to take turns finding the wood to burn. This is my log I found, although Kori had to help me carry it!

We bought a new game to play this year. It's called "Partini." I would highly recommend it to any group of people that are willing to have fun and be silly. This is one of the cup stunts that created lots of laughter!
Here is Chad trying to act out a "boob reduction." Brittney correct me if I'm wrong, I had to text Kori and get her opinion. It was hilarious watching everyone act out situations and hum ridiculous tunes!
I had a blast, as usual! Thanks for inviting us, and look forward to the next time!
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