Our first stop of Christmas Eve Day was Dad and Hanaba's. We tried having my family's Christmas at our house one year, but it just wasn't right. It's just not Christmas without being at Dad's in the front room!
The kids and I goofing around in the hall!
Silly faces!
Ryan refused to sit down!
Ryan, Dad, me, Cutter, Justin, Rylee and Hanaba
My favorite people in the world!
Too cute!
I think Cutter was showing Wormie all the cool GUNS!!!...
...and then Cutter opens one from Wormie! Thanks!
Rylee made Grandad an awesome, "Grandad Rocks" collage!
Ryan has been introducing Cutter to the classic toys such as a whoopie cushion, Bozo the clown, a rubber chicken and now a...FART MACHINE!!!
My Knuckleheads!

Dad bought Ryan a new set of kitchen utensils since he had been cooking more often than not!
Hanaba found Rylee a really neat paper making machine. She's been trying to Recycle!
High School Musical's Zak Efron!
Hanaba's ginormous nail! I figured she could find some use for it up at the farm!
My FAVORITE! I had been pestering Ryan about his Christmas present. I told him he needed to make sure and get some blood pressure medicine, and that it had almost been thrown out the window several times. Speaking for myself, but I don't think he could wait to see what was inside! The smile from him is all I needed! I knew it would rekindle some of him childhood as soon as he plugged it in!

Last, but not least, Ryan brought Dad and Hanaba into the 21st Century with a new flat screen TV. I'm not sure who was more excited, Ryan or them? However, it looks kind of funny in the den right now. It's still sitting on top of the old TV. I guess I better get my butt in gear and build them a custom shelf to fit the room!

Ryan, Dad, me, Cutter, Justin, Rylee and Hanaba

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