January 28th was Hanaba's birthday. I won't reveal her age, but my guess is about 16! I felt like a horrible person because I had talked to her several times throughout the day, and had no idea it was her birthday! Usually I remember dates pretty well, but I guess I had my head too far into the taxes to pay attention. As I was cooking dinner I noticed a highlighted birthday on today's date! I quickly picked up the phone again, and wished her a Happy Birthday and appologized! I then called dad, and told him to make sure she was home so we could come over and do a quick birthday! I felt SO bad!
Hanaba is a wonderful woman, with many talents! She is a fantastic wife to my dad, a remarkable friend to me, and a fabulous grandmother to my kids! Thank you for just being you!
Hanaba is a wonderful woman, with many talents! She is a fantastic wife to my dad, a remarkable friend to me, and a fabulous grandmother to my kids! Thank you for just being you!

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