The first two pictures were taken on Thursday or Friday, before the big day on Saturday!
Rylee, Cutter and Karsen
Chad and Rylee
So, after Rylee's First Communion, we sped ALL the way across town to Hendrick. If I'm not mistake the kids 'Big Cousin' shirts had been worn for at least part of the day for three days straight...they were SO proud! As soon as we got to the hospital, I left the kids in the waiting room with Justin, and went to the recovery room to check on Brittney. She was a 'little' drugged up, but looked wonderful! They both had a smile from ear to ear and were beaming! Payton was perfect! I joined everyone else, that was still, there in the waiting room. Remember, he was already an hour and a half old when I got there.
The past three days, we had been telling Cutter that in order to hold his 'Little Buddy' he's have to wash his hands. As soon as we got into their room, this is what he did...WITHOUT being told! He was SO excited, and has been such a great 'Big Buddy!'

Rylee was a natural! She knew just what to do!
I'm sorry to post the picture, Brittney, but I had to put one up of all three of us!
Justin, Tyler, Payton and Proud Daddy Chad
Can you believe they are all daddy's now?
So, after Rylee's First Communion, we sped ALL the way across town to Hendrick. If I'm not mistake the kids 'Big Cousin' shirts had been worn for at least part of the day for three days straight...they were SO proud! As soon as we got to the hospital, I left the kids in the waiting room with Justin, and went to the recovery room to check on Brittney. She was a 'little' drugged up, but looked wonderful! They both had a smile from ear to ear and were beaming! Payton was perfect! I joined everyone else, that was still, there in the waiting room. Remember, he was already an hour and a half old when I got there.

Can you believe they are all daddy's now?
The pictures of the kids together will be so priceless when they are older!!! And remembering this day brought tears to my eyes!!! Love you lots and thank you so much for being my best friend, and being there for me through my whole pregnancy and after!!!