Last weekend we had a gargae sale at my sister and brother-in-law's house. I didn't bring a whole lot, but they got rid of a bunch of stuff. Rylee sold her old art desk because she is too big for it. Cutter has one exactly like it, so he didn't need it! She was beginning to get a hole in her pocket from the money. Sunday after church we went to Target and she bought herself a new...Hanaha Montana barbie. She was so excited! It's the one from her new movie that is coming out Friday (that we already have tickets for)!
Here are a few pictures from Rylee's Alphabet Scavenger Hunt in the backyard!
F is for Fence
T is for Tree
Z is for Zipper
Remind you, she took all the pictures, and came up with all the answers (with just a little help)! Some of the letter were difficult.
We went back to dad's the other day so that he could sign all his quarterly tax documents. The kids love going over to Grandad and Hanaba's! I'm not sure if it's because of the chocolate, music room or rocks...your choice.
Here's a couple of random pictures from the house.
Love it! Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to have my favorite sister-in-law bestow one of her works of art upon me! :) Love you and hope ya'll are having a good week!!!