This post is going to be very random. I try to categorize each post so that it is easy to follow, but these were some cute pictures that didn't fit in any where. Hope you enjoy!
Rylee tap dancing on the back porch!

I love this one! Ryan is helping Cutter nail nails into the board. He doesn't like the little nails though, they have to be big ones!

Last week I trimmed all the hedges, bushes and monkey grass in the front yard. Cutter played outside the entire time. He even decided to help a little! Although, he constantly reminded me that he was "Daddy's Little Helper!"
Rylee has her third loose tooth, and it is a stubborn one. I convinced her Monday night that I'd go buy her some ice cream if she pulled it out. She tried and tried, but it wasn't budging. It's been hanging for a week now, so hopefully one day soon it'll decided to fall out.

Cutter needed a better view!

Justin, these are for you. I had to do payroll on the 15
th and Cutter went with me. He loves to go in the back and work on pumps. He's discovered the sand blaster and can't wait until he gets a little bigger so he can actually see his hands in the window.

Here he is on the fork lift. I feel sorry for who ever used it after he was finished. He pushes every button and pulls every lever, just so he can say he's working at the shop! At least he's not scared to get his hands dirty!
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