The Donnelly Family Reunion was held the last weekend in July this year. This was the first year Justin has gotten to attend in several years. He had to be in North Dakota Monday morning, so we left Saturday afternoon. We enjoyed our time together down in Brownwood (where there used to be a lake)!
We got there and it was raining cats and dogs. All the electricity was out in the cabins where all the kids had been left to run WILD!

Nanny wanted to play ladder ball so bad, so she convinced Christopher and Cutter to play with her. I'm not sure who won!

Susan and I trying to stay dry!

I love this picture! Tyler, Justin's youngest brother, and his little girl Karsen! Too cute!

Nanny and Justin look bored!

Pops and Buster waiting for something to bid on!

Cutter waited so patiently to 'buy' his ice crusher! Poor baby, he wanted it as soon as he say it, and had to wait until the very end. We made a snow cone as soon as we opened it though!

Sorry for the picture Brittney, but I didn't have any other ones or you and Chad! They were in charge of games this year, thus the plunger! Too bad we missed that one!

Ahhh...Cutter and his best friend!

...And Buster's drink is ALWAYS better!
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