July 5, 2002 at 9:52 am, God gave me the best gift a mother could ever receive. Rylee Elizabeth Keesee made her big debut with a full set of lungs! This year my baby turned 7! I cannot believe how fast time flies when you are having fun, especially as a mom! Rylee is such a sweetheart. She has a heart of gold with a side of her dad's stubbornness! I love you, and hope you had an awesome 7th Birthday!

Every year I decorate the room so that when they wake up, it's a reminder of what a special day it is! She didn't wake up very easily this year!

Rylee, I love you all the way around the world! I cannot believe you are already SEVEN years old! In honor of your birthday, here are SEVEN things I absolutely LOVE about YOU!
1. Your heart of gold! You are so caring and thoughtful, and make me so proud!
2. The way you love my mom, and pray to God every night that he lets her continue to watch over us!
3. The way you love your little brother and let him tag along!
4. Your hard-headedness. I blame your dad, but I am just as bad. I know it gets you in trouble sometimes, but it also reassures me that you won't let others run over you.
5. That you still allow me to, and call me, your Best Friend! You have no idea how much my heart melt when you say that!
6. The way you try to convince me that you are turning into a 'Tom-Boy,' but are still a 'Girlie-Girl!'
7. You can always tell when I need a hug!
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