I almost didn't post updates of dad's bathroom, because this was in August (I'm just that far behind on posting) and it's almost finished. I say almost because Pete the Plumber is on his way over to finish as I type! Once Pete finished today, all I have left to do are the accessories: hanging the toilet paper holder, towel bars, shower curtain rod, curtain rod and mirror. See I really am almost finished!

This day at dad's was very difficult! First off, I Cutter decided to make everyone Fuji's all on his own. Normally, this would have been cute, but after the 5th and 6th times, it's just not! After we left, we headed to HEB to reimburse Dad and Hanaba their dozen eggs!

Secondly, I sent Cutter inside to get his shoes because you have to have your shoes on to go in Grandad's garage. He was taking a little longer than normal, so I went in to check on him. Cutter was sitting on the brown carpet with a gallon of mixed, white paint ALL over him! I immediately curl him in a ball and take him outside. Ryan, who was painting the door, looked at him and asked what happened. Did I really need to explain, just look at him? I go inside and begin to clean this mess up. Luckily Aron was there and told us pour water on the paint and use the WetVac to suck it up. After two rolls of paper towels, a new vacuum filter and gallons of water, Ryan managed to clean the spot up! Thank you so much Wormie!
The only thing I could say that didn't make me mad was, "Mom always wanted new carpet!"
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