Friday, October 23, 2009

The BIG 3 Party!

Since we were out of town on Cutter's actual birthday, we had his party at the house the next weekend! It was very nice to have everyone together, and get all the festivities out of the way.

Dad and Hanaba couldn't make it, so they stopped by early to give him an early present.

Susan also stopped by early, and brought Cutter an awesome car rug. He loves this, and plays with it on a daily basis. In fact, I've already had to wash it.

Here's the traditional before shot. It's usually the only time I can get all of us together.

Cutter and Hudson playing guns!

Rylee, Karsen and Kori!

Jami and Becca!

Cutter finally got his own suitcase (Thanks Tyler and Ashely). The poor baby didn't understand why he didn't have a suitcase to take with us to South Dakota! Needless to say, he's ready for our next road trip!

Nanny's music cards always make him laugh!

Cute little cousins took their guns to lunch!

Don't laugh...Here's the John Deere cake I made. I tried to quit and go buy one at the last minute, but I had waited to long. The nice lady at United tried to help me make the field look more realistic, but I'm not so sure it worked. The cup cakes were really good, they just had three times the out!

He blew out the candles before we were even finished singing Happy Birthday!

Silly boy, I love you!

Cutter with his birthday boots from Nanny, and cousin Karsen! He loves her so much!

Rylee and Ashley
Cutter, my precious baby, I can't believe you are already THREE years old! Time does fly by when you are having fun. I can remember holding you in the hospital like it was yesterday, but at the same time, it seems like you've been a part of our lives forever. You always bring so much excitement and energy to the room! You are a typical little boy who loves tractors and dirt. Your favorite color is Red, and you share that with everyone. You enjoy being the center of attention, and usually do whatever it takes to be in the spot light. Some people might not believe it, but you do have a soft side. When I wake you up in the morning, you are so sweet and love to snuggle. I love holding you, and listening about the dreams you had. My heart melts when you tell me, "I always wanted a mommy like you!" (I think you got the quote from Roo, but it means just the same coming from you.) and, "I love you SO much, Mommy!" Thank you for being you, and bring so much joy in my life! I love you baby all the way around the world!
Here's the top THREE things I love about you!
1. The way you sing "Good Morning Beautiful" to your sister in the morning.
2. I love the way you are a Momma's boy. This has no affect on your boyish nature!
3. I love your SILLY dances. You sure can get down when you want to,
and play one heck of an air guitar in the car!

Mod Podge Pumpkins!

To help the kids get into the Fall/Halloween spirit I gathered up materials to make Mod Podge pumpkins. We blew up a balloon and used newspaper to create the pumpkins. Then we painted them orange and made our faces black. The kids really enjoyed it, but I didn't realize the table wasn't the proper surface to Mod Podge on. It took me an hour after the clean up process to literally scrap the remaining Mod Podge off my table with a paint scraper!

Yeah for Halloween crafts! Hopefully we'll be able to enjoy these for a few years!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Cutter!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Justin took the kids back to the WaTiki Water Park for the birthday morning! The kids just had to show their daddy all the cool tricks they could do, and how they could go down the big, scary, yellow slide all by themselves!

Afterward, we had a birthday party for my little man! I can't believe he is already THREE! He is such a handful, but then his soft voice melts my heart when he says, "Mommy, you're the best mommy in the whole world!"

This is the present I picked out. He is very intrigued with Legos. He gets frustrated when they don't go together properly, but he keeps trying until he gets it just right. This is a Front Loader Lego truck.

My sweet little kids!

Cutter and his silly facial expressions! He has so many, and I love them all!

Awesome, Daddy got me a Boston hat!

Thanks Daddy, I love you so much!

He also got me a UT Jersey!

This just melts my heart. Even though Justin isn't with us most of the time, Cutter loves him so much. It's so sweet to see them together!

Gran and PaPa got Cutter some dinosaurs! They were, and still are, a HUGE hit!

Group hug!

My little Roo!

Just because Sunday was our last day together, didn't mean we slowed down. We visited the Reptile Gardens in Rapid City, SD and watched a man give a lecture on Alligator Wrestling 101! I say lecture because of the title of the show we were partaking in, but it was far more exciting than a typical college course. The man was very animated, and kept the audience on the edge of our seats!

Here Cutter is telling Justin about one the the Crocodiles that just moved in front of him. Poor Cutter jumped backwards about five feet out of fear!

Cutter and Mommy!

I made the kids sit on this rock because Rylee has a much smaller version on it! Justin used to collect rocks, and has since handed his collection over to Rylee. We added a lot of rocks from all the different places we went on our vacation!

They had three gigantic turtles. Both kids enjoyed petting them, until it moved. Once again, Cutter jumped backwards in fear!

Mommy saved him though. He tells me all the time that the monsters won't get him because I am there to protect him! I guess the same goes for turtles!

Good Morning Beautiful!

Rylee actually pet the snake! Can you believe it?

While Cutter pet the alligator! Don't worry, it was carved out of wood!

This is the only group picture from the weekend.

After Reptile Gardens, we went to the Crystal Caverns in Rapid City, SD. I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would have been, but Rylee loved it! She loves all things that sparkle!

To start off, we had to walk down a ton of stairs. It is said to be equivalent to a ten story building. Some of the steps were narrow, slippery, and down right dangerous, but we made it. The hand rails were freezing (probably the reason for the sign up front saying the cave temperature was 40 degrees).

Rylee and I went first. Cutter and Justin next, and Terri and Andy held up the caboose.

There goes my little man! He thought he was a big boy this particular day since it was his birthday!

We had SO much fun spending the weekend in South Dakota!

My little girl!

Hahaha...Andy and Terri are taking a break after the LONG haul UP the stairs. We had a blast, and I'm so glad we went and saw all we could in the short time we were there.

Cutter feel asleep before his Birthday Cake arrived! Justin held him tight, and cherished the time we had together!

He woke up for a minute in the car, but then quickly feel back asleep. This is his new sleeping position, sword in hand! I'd be scared!

Here's Roo getting ready for the 18 hour drive home!

When Cutter finally woke up, we had to return several phone calls wishing him a Happy Birthday! This particular one is from Ryan, aka Wormie. They were arguing over who was the Knucklehead, go figure!