Since we were out of town on Cutter's actual birthday, we had his party at the house the next weekend! It was very nice to have everyone together, and get all the festivities out of the way.

Dad and Hanaba couldn't make it, so they stopped by early to give him an early present.

Cutter, my precious baby, I can't believe you are already THREE years old! Time does fly by when you are having fun. I can remember holding you in the hospital like it was yesterday, but at the same time, it seems like you've been a part of our lives forever. You always bring so much excitement and energy to the room! You are a typical little boy who loves tractors and dirt. Your favorite color is Red, and you share that with everyone. You enjoy being the center of attention, and usually do whatever it takes to be in the spot light. Some people might not believe it, but you do have a soft side. When I wake you up in the morning, you are so sweet and love to snuggle. I love holding you, and listening about the dreams you had. My heart melts when you tell me, "I always wanted a mommy like you!" (I think you got the quote from Roo, but it means just the same coming from you.) and, "I love you SO much, Mommy!" Thank you for being you, and bring so much joy in my life! I love you baby all the way around the world!
Here's the top THREE things I love about you!
1. The way you sing "Good Morning Beautiful" to your sister in the morning.
2. I love the way you are a Momma's boy. This has no affect on your boyish nature!
3. I love your SILLY dances. You sure can get down when you want to,
and play one heck of an air guitar in the car!
and play one heck of an air guitar in the car!
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