Saturday, September 5, 2009
Our first planned destination was Mount Rushmore. As we were driving through Keystone, SD we found a little street full of shops, a helicopter giving sight seeing rides (for a hefty price), and a ski lift to the upper part of the mountains. We decided to give it a try, and were very pleased with the outcome!

Here's Justin and Cutter waiting on mommy to pay!

After Bear Country, we headed to Deadwood, SD. Terri and Andy had went the night before, and suggested we go during the day. I'm so glad we went! The kids dressed up and took a western picture (which I haven't scanned yet). It is SO cute! We shopped at ALL the little stores, and the guys gambled in several different casinos. Which by the way, were in almost every store.
Andy couldn't wait to see where 'Wild' Bill Hickok was shot! Here they are outside the murder scene! I hate to admit this, but the non history buff I am, still has no idea who this Hickok man is/was. Sorry, I guess I'm doomed to repeat history!

One of the shops had lots of cool hats! The kids had a blast trying several on!
Cutter kept wanting to go in this Casino and get Daddy and PaPa. I told him he couldn't because you had to be 21 to get in. He was trying to convince my by pointing to the sign, and told me, "You have to be three and go in, because mommy, I'm three now!
Terri and Andy bought Cutter a red truck, and this is how he played with it most of the time we spent in Deadwood! Yes, he did block walking traffic, but luckily most people kindly walked around and smiled!
I laugh at this picture because it was the THIRD time we got pulled over on our trip! Andy was driving all three times, and some how managed not to get a single ticket. All three were in different states, and all the police men were very nice. The first one was a speeding, but turned out to be a seat belt sting (we were all buckled, including the two sleeping children). The second and third were all because of a headlight out...hahaha! The third police man finally told us to keep the warning ticket and show it to any future police men to speed up the process! He also liked Texas football, so we had something to chat about! We did stop at a Wal-Mart before we headed back to Texas to buy a replacement light! Sorry Andy, but you knew I was going to post about this! Look at the bright didn't cost us anything!

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