Thursday, September 3, 2009
After a two year streak of perfect attendance, we washed it away on the second week of 2nd Grade. It was a good cause though, we were driving to South Dakota to see Justin! I had mentally prepared myself for the trip, made goodie bags, bought presents, food and drinks, but nothing would compare to Nanny's Big Blue bags on the eighteen hour quest! Cutter tried to dig into his while we were still in the drive way packing the car. We told him that he couldn't get anything out until we got on the highway. So, as soon as we pulled onto the Winters Freeway, things started flying, packages were being ripped open, and candy was being devoured!

You don't believe me...take a look for yourself! Our first of MANY stops was at a road side park on the Abilene side of Childress. All the candy and drinks made Cutter had to go potty, so he and PaPa ventured off, over the fence, to the unknown!
Gran made some yummy Chicken Salad for sandwiches.

This journey was so much fun. I thought I'd have been bald by the time we made it, but it wasn't so bad. I'm so thankful for Terri and Andy, I couldn't have done it by myself. It is truly something that I'll never forget, and I hope the kids don't either.
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