Friday, September 4, 2009
Eighteen hours later (that includes all our stops), we finally made it to our destination, Rapid City, South Dakota! We stayed at a Laquinta Inn that had the WaTiki Indoor Water Park attached. It was such a great idea! As soon as we got all our stuff organized in our rooms, I took the kids downstairs to the Water Park. Terri and Andy went and took a much needed nap.

Here are the kids before trying anything out! I think they were both a little overwhelmed and excited in the same breath.

They wouldn't even try the orange slide by themselves. They were scared. So, I had to join them in the oh so cold water! After I tried every slide with them several times, they were ready to be let loose. I happily let them run wild, and boy did they!

There's Cutter!

Rylee Roo

The park had a separated pool with basketball goals, lilly pads, and a huge water gun! Rylee mastered the lilly pads after a few tries, and continued doing it until Cutter wanted to go slide!

Here we are after our nap break! I was so exhausted, and made the kids go upstairs so I could rest. Cutter and I ended up napping, but Rylee and her dad's hard head wouldn't cooperate!

I love my silly babies!

Finally, at 10:30 pm Friday night. Justin arrived from Cooperstown, ND. What he thought would be a three hour drive ended up being a seven or eight. Anyhow, the kids were SO excited to see their daddy. We went downstairs to the parking lot and chased him around in our jammies!

Both kids know, especially Cutter, that you can only hit daddy! That's what we say to keep him from wrestling everyone else. So, after a few hugs, the kids went to town. They won by the way too!
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