Wednesday, December 2, 2009

No, I'm on Karen's Team

One November Friday night, we all went to Nanny's to eat and play games. We used to do this every Friday night, but it has become few and far between as of late. It's really fun now that Rylee is old enough to play with us, and Karsen is there to help entertain Cutter!

Miss Rylee Elizabeth and Karsen Elizabeth

Here's a little side note...I got a text from Ashley today telling me that while she and Karsen were looking at Halloween picture, she giggled and said "Roo Roo!" That just melts my heart! It's not my child that is learning to talk, but rather my child that is being looked up to and adored for just being her!

Hahaha...this cracks me up! Cutter loves to get down and crawl with Karsen! I'm just waiting for the day when they crawl into TROUBLE together!

Cutter decided to join in the fun. Although he wanted no part in the loosing boys team! He wanted Karen to help him, and he was going to be on the WINNING girls team!

Cutter + Buster = Best Buds
They LOVE to aggravate each other, and get along so well!
With Justin being on the road 99% of the time, I am so thankful for the boys in Cutter's life. Buster, you have played a HUGE role in his life, and I cannot thank you enough. I'm glad that he wants to go to your house, and lets Karen bathe him, and that you let him jump in bed with you, but just wait...I bet you end up on the floor the first night he actually spends the night! He's a side ways sleeper! Don't say I didn't warn you!

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