Monday, May 11, 2009

Cutter's Mother's Day Out had a Mother's Day Tea for all the moms! It was so much fun and hilarious to watch. They sang lots of songs and showed us all the motions they had learned throughout the year!

Cutter was in the middle of the line as his class came on stage, but found a spot to sit, and did just that. He's hard headed...just like his daddy!
Eventually, he found his way to the stage. He's standing right behind his girlfriend, Carsen (in the yellow dress).
Here's Hudson, he's hard headed like his daddy too! He wanted to stand by the big kids, so he made his way over there and played on the railing!

Cutter now decides he wants to be the director!

They sang a song and each kid used their bean bag to help keep the beat. Well, let me take that back...every kid but Cutter did. He decided he didn't want it anymore and threw his into the audience.

Here are the Cutter and Hudson. It was the only picture I could get of the both of them because they obviously had better things to do than stand still!

Here's the whole school!
He's out!
Sorry Hudson, but Krystal got you!

This is Cutter and I with Gretchen and Hudson. The boys didn't want to smile!

Mommy and Cutter! I am so proud of you Cutter, you did an awesome job!

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